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Websites & Inventory Systems for Work Truck Dealers

Websites & Inventory Systems for Work Truck Dealers

Additional Inventory Packages Base Features

SRP Offers In-Line Dealership Ads 

You can include in-line ads on your Search Results Page. You decide what the ads include and if a website link is to be included.   

Pickup Search by Capacity

The selected capacity search will find every vehicle in your inventory based on that capacity, regardless of the manufacturer or model.

Your Inventory Can Include Unique Items

If you find your dealership in possession of unique vehicles or items these can be added to your inventory, along with their unique search option name.  

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Your work truck inventory, and landing page if you have that option, will appear as an integrated part of your retail website, but in actuality, it is a stand-alone website, as it has its unique domain name.  This is required for SEO generation.